The Role of Organizational, Environmental and Human Factors in E-Learning Diffusion

The Role of Organizational, Environmental and Human Factors in E-Learning Diffusion

Kholekile L. Gwebu, Jing Wang
DOI: 10.4018/jwltt.2007040105
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Improvements in technology have led to innovations in training such as Electronic Learning (E-learning). E-learning aims to help organizations in their training initiatives by simplifying the training process and cutting cost. It also attempts to help employees in their learning processes by making learning readily accessible. Unfortunately, the diffusion of this innovation has not been as successful as was initially predicted. In this article we explore the drivers behind the diffusion of e-learning. Apart from the factors investigated by previous research, we believe that one more dimension—human factors—should be taken into account when evaluating the diffusion of a training innovation, since learners are, to a large extent, the central issue of training. In the case of e-learning we believe that motivation plays a key role in the diffusion of e-learning.

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