Adam Dennett

Adam Dennett studied Geography as an undergraduate at Lancaster University before training as a secondary school teacher at the University of Cambridge. After some years in the teaching profession, he returned to higher education and completed a Masters degree at the University of Leeds where he now remains as a researcher, working full-time for CIDER and studying part-time for a PhD on the development of a migration-based area classification framework. His research interests lie in the quantitative analysis of population; principally internal migration flows. He has recently published papers in Population Trends and Population Space and Place relating to methodological developments in the analysis of internal migration in Britain and he is currently working on a European Spatial Planning Observatory Network project known as DEMIFER (DEmographic and MIgratory Flows affecting European Regions and cities).


Technologies for Migration and Commuting Analysis: Spatial Interaction Data Applications
John Stillwell, Oliver Duke-Williams, Adam Dennett. © 2010. 382 pages.
Internal migration serves as one of the key contributing factors to population change involving not only change in the numbers of people, but also a change in composition and...