Carlos Alberto Ochoa Ortiz Zezzatti

Alberto Ochoa Ortiz-Zezzatti (B.S. ’94, Eng. Master ’00, Ph.D. ’04, Postdoctoral Researcher,’06, and Industrial Postdoctoral Research ’09). He joined the Juarez City University in 2008. He has 1 book, and 7 chapters in books related with AI. He has supervised 17 Ph.D. theses, 27 M.Sc. theses and 29 undergraduate theses. He participated in the organization of COMCEV'07, COMCEV'08, HAIS’07, HAIS’08, HAIS’09, HAIS’10, HAIS’11, HAIS’12, ENC’06, ENC’07, ENC’08 and MICAI’08, MICAI’09, MICAI’10 & MICAI’11. His research interests include evolutionary computation, natural processing language, anthropometrics characterization and Social Data Mining. In his second Postdoctoral Research participated in an internship in ISTC-CNR in Rome, Italy.


Logistics Management and Optimization through Hybrid Artificial Intelligence Systems
Carlos Alberto Ochoa Ortiz Zezzatti, Camelia Chira, Arturo Hernandez, Miguel Basurto. © 2012. 540 pages.
Hybrid Artificial Intelligent Systems (HAIS) try to deal with the complexity of real world phenomena using a multidisciplinary approach and a plurality of techniques. Logistics...