Eliane Schlemmer

Eliane Schlemmer / Violet Ladybird (avatar) is a Scholar in Productivity in Research from CNPq. She is a Doctor in Informatics and Education and Master in Psychology granted by the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul – UFRGS. She graduated in Informatics from the Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos – UNISINOS. She is currently a Researcher Professor in the Pos Graduation Program in Education at UNISINOS (ranked 7 by CAPES), in the Pedagogy Course and Digital Games Course. She is the leader of the Digital Education Research Group – GPe-dU UNISINOS/CNPq, since its creation in 2004 and a member of the Committee Board of the Catholic Higher Education Institutions Network (Comitê Gestor da Rede de Instituições Católicas de Ensino Superior) - RICESU. She is a concept maker and developer of software and educational digital virtual environments, such as: Virtual Learning Environment – AVA-UNISINOS, 3D 3D Digital Virtual WorldAWSINOS (Eduverse Metaverse), UNISINOS Island and RICESU Island (Second Life), Communicative Agent MARIÁ – (developed together with the Pos Graduation Program in Applied Computing), and Virtual Learning Environment for mobile devices – COMTEXT® (Competencies in Context – developed in partnership with the Pos Graduation Program in Administration and with the Pos Graduation Program in Applied Computing). She is also a concept maker of the concept-technology Digital Virtual Space of Living and Sharing – ECODI. The main areas she works in are research, development, teaching, advisement and consultancy in the Educational area: Digital Education, New modalities in Education (online Education and its derivations: e-learning, b-learning, m-learning, p-learning, u-learning), Virtual Learning Environments, Metaverses (Digital Virtual Worlds in 3 dimensions – Immersive Learning), Gamification, Digital Virtual Communities of Learning, and Project Methodology. She has been working, since 1989, in the area with experience in Children’s Education, Elementary Education, High School, and Graduate Studies including Pos Graduation – in the specialization levels masters and doctorate and in advisement and consultancy in capacitating. Several of her articles have been published in journals and events throughout Brazil and abroad, besides being the author of books and chapters in books published in Brazil, Latin America, United States and Europe. She is the author of the books, M-learning and U-learning: Novas Perspectivas da Aprendizagem Móvel e Ubíqua, edited by Pearson Prentice Hall, in 2011 and Comunidades de Aprendizagem e de Prática em Metaversos, edited by Cortez in 2012.


The Real Virtuality of Metaverses
Eliane Schlemmer, Luciana Backes. © 2018. 18 pages.
This chapter approaches the Real Virtuality theme that appears in the construction processes of Digital Virtual World in 3D in Metaverses. The authors present and discuss...
Learning in Metaverses: Co-Existing in Real Virtuality
Eliane Schlemmer, Luciana Backes. © 2015. 356 pages.
The potential of virtual world technologies to improve teaching and learning has been recognized in recent years, creating new possibilities for teaching and learning processes...
The Use of Virtual Worlds in Management Education: An Investigation of Current Practices in Second Life
Amarolinda Zanela Klein, Angilberto Freitas, Lisiane Machado, José Carlos da Silva Freitas Junior, Paulo Gaspar Graziola, Eliane Schlemmer. © 2014. 18 pages.
Frequently, research on management education does not take into account the role of Information Technology as a key resource to support teaching and learning processes. In this...
Mobile Learning in Organizations: Lessons Learned from Two Case Studies
Amarolinda Zanela Saccol, Jorge Luis Victoria Barbosa, Eliane Schlemmer, Nicolau Reinhard. © 2013. 13 pages.
M-learning has been tested and investigated in the last decade in different levels of education, from K12 to higher education. However, academic studies reporting concrete...
Virtual Learning Communities of Practice in Metaverse
Gaia Moretti, Eliane Schlemmer. © 2012. 17 pages.
Characteristic of the contemporaneous age, and taking advantage of the diffusion of digital technologies, virtual communities are diffusing in the organization’s culture such as...
Mobile Learning in Organizations: Lessons Learned from Two Case Studies
Amarolinda Zanela Saccol, Jorge Luis Victoria Barbosa, Eliane Schlemmer, Nicolau Reinhard. © 2011. 14 pages.
M-learning has been tested and investigated in the last decade in different levels of education, from K12 to higher education. However, academic studies reporting concrete...