Emanuel Soares Peres

Emanuel Soares Peres is an Assistant Professor at Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro University (UTAD) in Portugal. He has been lecturing in areas such as mobile devices, web development, computer networks and electronics since 2003. He is an integrated researcher at the Technology and Science Associate Laboratory (INESC-TEC) and his research focuses on combining sensing networks, in-field processing units and mesh communication networks to develop data acquisition systems, which enable decision support tools. Human–computer interaction namely through using augmented reality systems and mobile devices in areas such as education and tourism is also an area of interest. He is a member of the organization of international conferences such as CENTERIS (Conference on ENTERprise Information Systems) and HCIST (International Conference on Health and Social Care Information Systems and Technologies).


MixAR: A Multi-Tracking Mixed Reality System to Visualize Virtual Ancient Buildings Aligned Upon Ruins
Telmo Adão, Luís Pádua, David Narciso, Joaquim João Sousa, Luís Agrellos, Emanuel Peres, Luís Magalhães. © 2019. 33 pages.
MixAR, a full-stack system capable of providing visualization of virtual reconstructions seamlessly integrated in the real scene (e.g. upon ruins), with the possibility of being...
Location Based E-commerce System: An Architecture
Nuno André Osório Liberato, João Eduardo Quintela Alves de Sousa Varajão, Emanuel Soares Peres Correia, Maximino Esteves Correia Bessa. © 2011. 12 pages.
Location-based mobile services (LBMS) are at present an ever growing trend, as found in the latest and most popular mobile applications launched. They are, indeed, supported by...
International Journal of Web Portals (IJWP)
Mehdi Khosrow-Pour. Est. 2009.
Web portals are one of the most important components in the context of business integration. The International Journal of Web Portals (IJWP) is a high-quality refereed journal on...