Gabriel-Miro Muntean

Gabriel-Miro Muntean is an Associated Professor with the School of Electronic Engineering, Dublin City University (DCU), Ireland, where he obtained his Ph.D. degree in 2003 for research on quality-oriented adaptive multimedia streaming over wired networks. He was awarded the B.Eng. and M.Sc. degrees in Software Engineering from the Computer Science Department, "Politehnica" University of Timisoara, Romania in 1996 and 1997 respectively. Dr. Muntean is co-director of the DCU Performance Engineering Laboratory and Investigator with Insight and Lero National Research Centres. His research interests include quality-oriented and performance-related issues of adaptive multimedia delivery, performance of wired and wireless communications, energy-aware networking and personalised technology-enhanced learning. Dr. Muntean has published over 350 papers in prestigious international journals and conferences, has authored 4 books and 19 book chapters and has edited 6 other books, which have attracted over 6000 citations (H-index=44). Dr. Muntean has supervised successfully 22 PhD students and 10 postdoctoral researchers. He is an Associate Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting, Multimedia Communications Area Editor for IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials and reviewer for other important international journals, conferences, and funding agencies. He was the coordinator of the EU Horizon 2020 project NEWTON. He is a senior member of IEEE, and IEEE Broadcast Technology Society.


A Cloud Platform for Sharing Educational Digital Fabrication Resources Over the Internet
Gianluca Cornetta, Abdellah Touhafi, Gabriel-Miro Muntean. © 2022. 28 pages.
Cloud and IoT technologies have the potential to enable a plethora of new applications that are not strictly limited to remote sensing, data collection, and data analysis. In...
Clustering and 5G-Enabled Smart Cities: A Survey of Clustering Schemes in VANETs
Irina Tal, Gabriel-Miro Muntean. © 2021. 39 pages.
This chapter highlights the importance of vehicular ad-hoc networks (VANETs) in the context of the 5G-enabled smarter cities and roads, a topic that attracts significant...
Social, Legal, and Ethical Implications of IoT, Cloud, and Edge Computing Technologies
Gianluca Cornetta, Abdellah Touhafi, Gabriel-Miro Muntean. © 2020. 333 pages.
The adoption of cloud and IoT technologies in both the industrial and academic communities has enabled the discovery of numerous applications and ignited countless new research...
A Cloud Platform for Sharing Educational Digital Fabrication Resources Over the Internet
Gianluca Cornetta, Abdellah Touhafi, Gabriel-Miro Muntean. © 2020. 28 pages.
Cloud and IoT technologies have the potential to enable a plethora of new applications that are not strictly limited to remote sensing, data collection, and data analysis. In...
Paving the Way for 5G Through the Convergence of Wireless Systems
Ramona Trestian, Gabriel-Miro Muntean. © 2019. 350 pages.
In the ever-evolving telecommunication industry, smart mobile computing devices have become increasingly affordable and powerful, leading to significant growth in the number of...
Clustering and 5G-Enabled Smart Cities: A Survey of Clustering Schemes in VANETs
Irina Tal, Gabriel-Miro Muntean. © 2019. 38 pages.
This chapter highlights the importance of vehicular ad-hoc networks (VANETs) in the context of the 5G-enabled smarter cities and roads, a topic that attracts significant...
Spotted: Connecting People, Locations, and Real-World Events in a Cellular Network
Ramona Trestian, Faisal Zaman, Gabriel-Miro Muntean. © 2016. 40 pages.
Being able to react fast to exceptional events such as riots protests or disaster preventions is of paramount importance, especially when trying to ensure peoples' safety and...
Towards Smarter Cities and Roads: A Survey of Clustering Algorithms in VANETs
Irina Tal, Gabriel-Miro Muntean. © 2016. 37 pages.
This chapter highlights the importance of Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks (VANETs) in the context of smarter cities and roads, a topic that currently attracts significant academic...
Spotted: Connecting People, Locations, and Real-World Events in a Cellular Network
Ramona Trestian, Faisal Zaman, Gabriel-Miro Muntean. © 2016. 40 pages.
Being able to react fast to exceptional events such as riots protests or disaster preventions is of paramount importance, especially when trying to ensure peoples' safety and...
TraffCon: An Innovative Vehicle Route Management Solution Based on IEEE 802.11p Sparse Roadside-Vehicle Networking
Kevin Collins, Gabriel-Miro Muntean. © 2015. 34 pages.
Traffic congestion is a major issue in the modern society, and unfortunately, it continues to worsen as the number of cars on the road grows behind the ability of existing road...
Convergence of Broadband, Broadcast, and Cellular Network Technologies
Ramona Trestian, Gabriel-Miro Muntean. © 2014. 333 pages.
In the ever-evolving telecommunication industry, technological improvements alone are not able to keep up with the significant growth of mobile broadband traffic. As such, new...
Towards Smarter Cities and Roads: A Survey of Clustering Algorithms in VANETs
Irina Tal, Gabriel-Miro Muntean. © 2014. 35 pages.
This chapter highlights the importance of Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks (VANETs) in the context of smarter cities and roads, a topic that currently attracts significant academic...
DASH: A Solution for Improving Video Delivery Quality in Heterogeneous Network Environments
Lejla Rovcanin, Gabriel-Miro Muntean. © 2014. 18 pages.
Multimedia streaming has major commercial potential as the global community of online video viewers is expanding rapidly following the proliferation of low-cost...
TraffCon: An Innovative Vehicle Route Management Solution Based on IEEE 802.11p Sparse Roadside-Vehicle Networking
Kevin Collins, Gabriel-Miro Muntean. © 2014. 34 pages.
Traffic congestion is a major issue in the modern society, and unfortunately, it continues to worsen as the number of cars on the road grows behind the ability of existing road...
Wireless Multi-Access Environments and Quality of Service Provisioning: Solutions and Application
Gabriel-Miro Muntean, Ramona Trestian. © 2012. 428 pages.
Wireless technology has expanded rapidly as a field over recent years, especially in mobile and distance technologies, and collaboration over networks demands increases in speed...
Quality-Oriented Mobility Management for Multimedia Content Delivery to Mobile Users
Bogdan Ciubotaru, Gabriel-Miro Muntean. © 2012. 30 pages.
The latest advances in wireless data access technologies and increased popularity of mobile computing have enabled the development of the future mobile Internet. The various...
End-User Quality of Experience-Aware Personalized E-Learning
Cristina Hava Muntean, Gabriel-Miro Muntean. © 2009. 21 pages.
Lately, user quality of experience (QoE) during their interaction with a system is a significant factor in the assessment of most systems. However, user QoE is dependent not only...