Robert Kenward

Robert Kenward grew up on a farm in southern England, where he gained an interest in nature leading to a zoology degree at Oxford University, then a doctorate on predation by raptors. That study and subsequent work in Sweden involved radio-tagging, leading to further work in Canada, Kazakhstan and the United Arab Emirates, with teaching in many other countries, and the founding of companies making equipment and software for animal tracking. Early papers on conservation by falconers resulted in engagement with conservation governance internationally, and to leaving a career in Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, as director for technology transfer, in order to work through IUCN on establishing better knowledge tools for managing natural resources. Becoming Science Supervisor for the TESS project was a further step along that road.


Transactional Environmental Support System Design: Global Solutions
Jason Papathanasiou, Basil Manos, Stratos Arampatzis, Robert Kenward. © 2013. 313 pages.
Designing a Transactional Environmental Support System grew from the desire to allow citizens to exchange knowledge on local land and animals for the purpose of learning how to...
Robert E. Kenward, Jason Papathanasiou, Basil Manos, Stratos Arampatzis. © 2013. 6 pages.
Change in land-use, and hence, biodiversity, result from decisions at local level, which are restrained only in part by formal environmental assessments. However, local knowledge...
Central Information Flows and Decision-Making Requirements
Robin J.A. Sharp, Julie A. Ewald, Robert Kenward. © 2013. 26 pages.
Information needs of government for SEA, EIA, and other aspects of biodiversity conservation and sustainable development are studied and reported in this chapter. This includes...
Local Information Flows and Decision-Making Requirements
Kathy H. Hodder, Adrian C. Newton, Loretta Perrella, Jane Butters, Robert E. Kenward, Julie A. Ewald. © 2013. 27 pages.
This enquiry characterises the use of information on biodiversity and ecosystem services in the environmental decision making process at the local (as opposed to national) level....
Models of the Information Flows and Decision Making Process
Loretta Perrella, Kathy H. Hodder, Julie A. Ewald, Robert Kenward. © 2013. 10 pages.
During pilot surveys at local level, individual stakeholders and officials in local government were asked to list the main environmental issues for which they needed to make...
Pan-European Survey and Database of Environmental Assessment Factors
Julie A. Ewald, Robin J.A. Sharp, Pedro Beja, Robert Kenward. © 2013. 23 pages.
In order to design TESS, it was necessary to determine how and what information is utilized across Europe when decisions affecting the environment are made at present, and which...
Pan-European Analysis of Environmental Assessment Processes
Robert Kenward, Julie A. Ewald, Robin J.A. Sharp. © 2013. 14 pages.
This chapter presents data on variation between national and local levels for information requirements, and on the pattern of data within these levels across Europe. It notes...
Biodiversity Trends Associated with SEA and EIA Practices
Pedro Beja, Julie A. Ewald, Robert Kenward. © 2013. 20 pages.
This chapter compares trends in policies on land uses and economic activity to trends in ecosystem services and biodiversity in cultivated areas as well as in protected areas...
Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services in the Frome Catchment, Purbeck District, United Kingdom
Adrian C. Newton, Kathy H. Hodder, Antonio Uzal Fernandez, Robert Kenward. © 2013. 6 pages.
A map for valuing ecosystem services in the 480 km2 Frome catchment, to investigate scenarios of change in land use, was internet crowd-sourced. Scouts mapped deer habitats in...
Guidelines and Recommendations
Robin J.A. Sharp, Julie A. Ewald, Robert Kenward. © 2013. 12 pages.
Policy guidelines and recommendations were derived from direct and indirect sample surveys of stakeholders in most European Union countries and some others and from related...
Overall Conclusions
Robert Kenward, Jason Papathanasiou, Basil Manos, Stratos Arampatzis. © 2013. 5 pages.
This chapter summarises the intentions, processes, and findings of the project, funded by the Commission of the European Union, to design a Transactional Environmental Support...
A Governance and Ecosystems Management Approach to the Conservation of Biodiversity
Basil Manos, Robert Kenward, Stratos Arampatzis, Jason Papathanasiou. © 2011. 11 pages.
Finally, this chapter highlights the path drawn by the currently ongoing TESS project (Transactional Environmental Support System) to put some of the conclusions of the...