A Concept for Mobile Ad-Hoc Messaging Networks (AMNet)

A Concept for Mobile Ad-Hoc Messaging Networks (AMNet)

Stefan Stieglitz, Christoph Fuchß, Sascha Stöckel, Christoph Lattemann
DOI: 10.4018/jitwe.2009010101
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This article shows an innovative approach for an ad-hoc messaging network (AMNET) which uses simple store-and-forward message passing to spread data asynchronously. This approach primarily focuses on application specific needs that can be covered by simple message passing mechanisms. In this paper we will describe a powerful network by using simple devices and communication protocols on the basis of AMNETs. Simulation results of our AMNET approach provide insights into speeding up the network setup process and enable the use of AMNETs even with few participants by introducing a hybrid infrastructure and mobile nodes.

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