Adele Boccasini

Adele Boccasini, MA and clinical psychologist, is a research assistant at the No-Profit Organization "Lega del Filo d'Oro", a rehabilitative center for deaf and blind persons who present multiple disabilities. Her main topics concern the assistive technologies and microswitch-based programs for promoting self-determination and independence of individuals with severe to profound developmental disabilities. Specifically, her work deals with aided-alternative and augmentative communication strategies (e.g. speech generating devices) for non verbal children (e.g. Rett syndrome and post-coma patients in a minimally conscious state and/or emerging from it), cluster technology aimed at pursuing the dual goal of enhancing an adaptive response and simultaneously decreasing a challenge behavior, microswitches and contingent stimulation for fostering locomotion, computer and microswitch-based interventions for improving leisure skills. Within this framework, she co-authored several papers on different indexed and peer-reviewed journals.


Technological Solutions for Helping Adaptive Responding of Children with Severe to Profound Developmental Disabilities: A Literature Overview
Viviana Perilli, Fabrizio Stasolla, Adele Boccasini. © 2022. 14 pages.
This article provides the reader with a literature overview of the newest empirical evidences available on the use of assistive technology-based programs for teaching and...
Assistive Technology for Supporting Communication, Occupation, and Leisure by Children With Severe to Profound Developmental Disabilities
Fabrizio Stasolla, Viviana Perilli, Adele Boccasini. © 2019. 13 pages.
This chapter provides a literature overview (i.e., range period 2000-2015) concerning the use assistive technology (AT) for children with severe to profound developmental...
Technological Solutions for Helping Adaptive Responding of Children with Severe to Profound Developmental Disabilities: A Literature Overview
Viviana Perilli, Fabrizio Stasolla, Adele Boccasini. © 2019. 13 pages.
This article provides the reader with a literature overview of the newest empirical evidences available on the use of assistive technology-based programs for teaching and...