Angela Piu

Angela Piu is an associate professor of Experimental Pedagogy at the University of L’Aquila, Italy and she is currently coordinator and teacher of Master “Progettare e valutare nella formazione” at the University of Calabria and teacher of Master “Didactics of Mathematics” at the University of RomaTre. She received her PhD in Pedagogy in 2000 at University of Calabria, where she has been a parttime university teacher of assessment in the degree course at the Faculty of Primary. She also has been a specialist teacher working in a lower secondary (junior high) school providing support for children with special needs. She has carried out studies and research on simulation in training and on theme such as distance learning and education technology. She is continuing her research into these areas, in particular in the use of simulation games in the teaching of mathematics and into training and university laboratories for distance learning. She is author of various books, articles and papers which have been widely read both on a national and international level.


Simulation and Gaming for Mathematical Education: Epistemology and Teaching Strategies
Angela Piu, Cesare Fregola. © 2011. 256 pages.
Technologic and virtual development is growing, creating an environment of online gaming that can be used as an effective and motivational instrument for math didactics in...