Bobbe Gaines Baggio

Bobbe Gaines Baggio (Ph.D.) is an accomplished author, speaker and educator. Her specific expertise is in how to use technologies to help people learn. She is currently the Associate Dean of Graduate Programs and online Learning at The American University in Washington, D.C. and former Director of the M.S. in Instructional Technology Management and B.A. in Organizational Leadership at La Salle University in Philadelphia, PA.


Analyzing Digital Discourse and Human Behavior in Modern Virtual Environments
Bobbe Gaines Baggio. © 2016. 320 pages.
Though humans have been communicating through virtual mediators since the invention of the telephone, new technologies make the use of virtual communications even more immediate...
Why We Would Rather Text than Talk: Personality, Identity, and Anonymity in Modern Virtual Environments
Bobbe Gaines Baggio. © 2016. 16 pages.
Whether they are checking out at the grocery store, watching a sporting event or eating out in a restaurant; people are texting. Text messaging has become very popular form of...