Cemile Zehra Köroğlu

Cemile Zehra KöroğluCemile Zehra KÖROGLU has been an Assistant Professor in Social Work Department at Usak University, Turkey. She obtained her Masters Degree from Selçuk University , Philosophy and Religious Sciences Department in 2002. She completed her Ph.D. in the same deparment in 2009. She focused on relations of consumption culture and religion in her Ph.D. researches. Her research interests are Sociology of religious groups, disadvantaged groups, social change, and gender studies. Some of her publications: Consumption culture and religion , Gumushane University Publications, Gumushane,2012. Two Faces of the Reality:New Social Movements,International Journal Of Art,Culture and Design Technologies,2016,5(1),13-34. Religious Social Movements and Economic Welfare in Modern Turkey, Nationalism, Cultural Indoctrination and Economic Prosperity in the Digital Age,IGI Global,USA.2015. Critical Approaches to Modern Public Sphere: A General Evaluation (Postmodernism, Feminism and Religion), Turkish Studies, 8(4),2013,pp.491-514. Religious Life in Anatolia: The Case of Bolvadin District, Turkish Studies, 8(5),2013,431-457. Analyzing the Religious life in Turkey: A Holistic Approach, Journal of Divinity Faculty of Gumushane,1(2),82-102.


Information Technologies and Social Change
Muhammet Ali Köroğlu, Cemile Zehra Köroğlu. © 2019. 10 pages.
Since the 19th century, the whole world has experienced the effects of the Information Revolution in varying degrees. Information science and technologies have become areas that...
Information Technologies and Social Change
Muhammet Ali Köroğlu, Cemile Zehra Köroğlu. © 2018. 8 pages.
There are turning points in human history changed the destiny of humanity: Representing the transition from hunting-gathering to agriculture, Agricultural Revolution or the...
Religious Social Movements and Economic Welfare in Modern Turkey
Cemile Zehra Köroğlu, Muhammet Ali Köroğlu. © 2016. 22 pages.
In all societies, there have been some movements that point out social, political, economic, ideological, or moral problems or aim at partial or complete change. This chapter...
Religious Social Movements and Economic Welfare in Modern Turkey
Cemile Zehra Köroğlu, Muhammet Ali Köroğlu. © 2015. 22 pages.
In all societies, there have been some movements that point out social, political, economic, ideological, or moral problems or aim at partial or complete change. This chapter...