Derya Toksoz

Derya Toksoz graduated from Ege University, Department of Hospitality Management in 2012. She completed her MSc degree and PhD in the field of Tourism Management at Mersin University. She has been working as a research assistant at Mersin University Faculty of Tourism since 2014. Her research interests are mainly focused on tourism planning, cultural heritage management, visitor management, and tour guiding.


Impact of ICTs on Event Management and Marketing
Kemal Birdir, Sevda Birdir, Ali Dalgic, Derya Toksoz. © 2021. 357 pages.
Conferences, symposiums, and other large events that take place at far away hotels require many hours of preparation to plan and need a capable event staff to market. Without the...
New Trends in Event Marketing
Remziye Ekici, Derya Toksoz. © 2021. 21 pages.
Event marketing has become an increasingly important role as a marketing tool for marketers. Nowadays, the ability of event marketing to provide deeper consumer participation...
Job Crafting for Tourism Employees: Conceptual Overview, Dimensions, Antecedents, and Consequences
Derya Toksoz, Ali Dalgic, Kemal Birdir. © 2020. 21 pages.
Job crafting, which expresses that individuals changing their jobs physically, cognitively, and relationally and adapt them to their personal characteristics, leads to individual...