Emily Donnelli-Sallee

Emily Donnelli-Sallee, Ph.D., is Associate Provost for Faculty and Academic Affairs and Professor of English at Park University. In her administrative role, Donnelli-Sallee drives initiatives aimed at supporting and recognizing faculty accomplishments in teaching, scholarship, and service. These initiatives include recruitment and retention, orientation and mentoring, professional development, faculty awards, and faculty-related policies and procedures for full-time and adjunct faculty. Donnelli-Sallee’s research focuses on faculty engagement, educational development, and the scholarship of teaching and learning. She holds a Ph.D. in rhetoric and composition and M.A. in language and literature from the University of Kansas.


Handbook of Research on Inclusive Development for Remote Adjunct Faculty in Higher Education
Amber Dailey-Hebert, B. Jean Mandernach, Emily Donnelli-Sallee. © 2021. 333 pages.
As the number of adjunct faculty teaching online courses remotely for their institutions continues to increase, so do the unique challenges they face, including issues of...
Access, Relevance, and Inclusivity: Assessing What Matters Most to Virtual Faculty
Amber Dailey-Hebert, Emily Donnelli-Sallee, Jamie Els, Stacey Kikendall. © 2019. 34 pages.
As institutions have expanded their virtual learning options to reach a broader community of learners, they have also increased the number of virtual faculty—largely adjunct or...