Fernand Doridot

Fernand Doridot. Born 1972. Engineer (graduate of the Ecole Centrale de Nantes, 1995), and PHD in Epistemology and History of Science (Mathematics), University of Nantes, 2003. Professor and researcher in epistemology, philosophy and ethics at ICAM (engineering school) and CETS (Centre for Ethics, Technology and Society) within the Polytechnicum of Lille, France. He has been involved over the past years in several European research projects funded by FP6 and FP7 (The Cultured Engineer, EGAIS) and in one French research project funded by the Agence Nationale de la Recherche (Parthage). His current research areas are: public debates on technical and scientific projects, philosophy of engineering, ethical governance of nanotechnology. He is also an expert for ANSES (French National Agency for Sanitary Safety) on the topic of nanomaterials.


Three Models for Ethical Governance of Nanotechnology and Position of EGAIS’ Ideas within the Field
Fernand Doridot. © 2014. 22 pages.
Based on an analysis of the current literature on nanoethics, this paper proposes to identify three different models for ethical governance of nanotechnology, respectively called...
Ethical Governance of Emerging Technologies Development
Fernand Doridot, Penny Duquenoy, Philippe Goujon, Aygen Kurt, Sylvain Lavelle, Norberto Patrignani, Stephen Rainey, Alessia Santuccio. © 2013. 417 pages.
The more integrated technology becomes in our everyday lives and businesses, the more vital it grows that its applications are utilized in an ethical and appropriate way. Ethical...
Three Models for Ethical Governance of Nanotechnology and Position of EGAIS’ Ideas within the Field
Fernand Doridot. © 2013. 22 pages.
Based on an analysis of the current literature on nanoethics, this paper proposes to identify three different models for ethical governance of nanotechnology, respectively called...