Frances M. Courson

Frances M. CoursonFrances Flowers Courson received her undergraduate degree in Deaf Education from the University of Montevallo where she was awarded a scholarship award for excellence in teaching Deaf children. She earned her Master of Science in Deaf Education at Texas Woman’s University and her Doctor of Education in Deaf Studies and Deaf Education from Lamar University. Frances lived among the Deaf of Russia in Moscow with her family for 10 years where she learned Russian and Russian Sign Language. She is a nationally certified interpreter with the Registry of Interpreters of the Deaf and currently works as an assistant professor in the Education of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (EDHH) department at the University of Montevallo. She and her husband, along with their 4 children, have planted several indigenous churches of the Deaf throughout the United States and in Russia, seeking to elevate Deaf leadership. Her research interests include teaching writing to deaf and hard of hearing students, and higher education pedagogy of pre-service teachers of deaf and hard of hearing students.


Lessons Learned From Preservice Teachers of Deaf and Hard of Hearing Students During a Pandemic
Frances M. Courson, Andrea D. Alford, Jamie M. Bencak, Sandra G. Edwards. © 2023. 38 pages.
The COVID-19 pandemic caused some educators of preservice teachers of deaf and hard of hearing (DHH) students who had been using a face-to-face instructional delivery platform to...
Families of Deaf Children With Co-Occurring Disabilities
Mary Ann Gray, Frances F. Courson. © 2022. 12 pages.
The authors of this chapter focus on immigrant families who have deaf children with co-occurring disabilities. The journey is filled with understanding deafness, co-occurring...