Jiandong Li

Jiandong Li graduated from Xidian University with a Bachelor Degree, Master Degree and Ph. D in Communications and Electronic Systems respectively in 1982, 1985 and 1991. He was with Xidian University from 1985, an associate professor from 1990 to 1994, professor from 1994, Ph.D student supervisor from 1995, and Dean of School of Telecommunication Engineering, Xidian University from 1997 respectively. Now, he also serves as Executive Vice Dean Graduate School, Xidian University. Dr. Li is a senior member of IEEE and China Institute of Electronics (CIE) and the fellow of China Institute of Communication (CIC). He was a member of PCN specialist group for China 863 Communication High Technology program between Jan. 1993 and Oct. 1994 and from 1999 to 2000. He is also the member of Communication Specialist Group for The Ministry of Information Industry. His current research interest and projects are funded by the 863 High Tech Project, NSFC, National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars, TRAPOYT, MOE and MOI.


Chungang Yang, Jiandong Li. © 2017. 6 pages.
This Preface is included in the book Interference Mitigation and Energy Management in 5G Heterogeneous Cellular Networks.
Stackelberg Game Theoretic Framework in Cognitive Green Heterogeneous Networks
Chungang Yang, Pengyu Huang, Jia Xiao, Lingxia Wang, Jiandong Li. © 2017. 18 pages.
Game theory has found an extensive application in wireless communication networks including cognitive radio networks, heterogeneous cellular networks, cooperative relay networks....
Pricing Methodology and Its Applications in Cognitive Radio and Multi-Tier Heterogeneous Cellular Networks
Chungang Yang, Jia Xiao, Lingxia Wang, Pengyu Huang, Jiandong Li. © 2017. 31 pages.
In this chapter, we concentrate on different technical applications and research directions of pricing theory and methodology, where we investigate following technical...
Game Theory Framework Applied to Wireless Communication Networks
Chungang Yang, Jiandong Li. © 2016. 502 pages.
The popularity of smart phones and other mobile devices has brought about major expansion in the realm of wireless communications. With this growth comes the need to improve upon...
Interference Mitigation and Energy Management in Heterogeneous Networks: A Cognitive Radio Perspective
Chungang Yang, Jiandong Li. © 2014. 19 pages.
In Long Term Evolution (LTE) 4G systems, coexistence of multiple in-band smallcells defines what is called heterogeneous cellular networks. There is no doubt that the development...