Jorge Manjarrez-Sanchez

Ph. D in Computer Sciences at the University of Nantes, France. Working with de INRIA-Atlas team in High-dimensional Query Processing in Parallel Databases. Currently works as a Researcher at the Technological Institute of Jerez, Mexico. Previous appointments are: Researcher at the Center for Computing Research, National Polytechnical Institute, (CIC - IPN) Mexico Researcher at the Center for Mathematical Research (CIMAT), Mexico. Faculty ITESM Mexico. He has also been developer and consultant for nation wide enterprises in Mexico


In-Memory Analytics
Jorge Manjarrez-Sanchez. © 2019. 9 pages.
Analytics is the processing of data for information discovery. In-memory implementation of machine learning and statistical algorithms enable the fast processing of data for...
In-Memory Analytics
Jorge Manjarrez-Sanchez. © 2018. 8 pages.
Analytics is the processing of data for information discovery. In-memory implementation of machine learning and statistical algorithms enable the fast processing of data for...