Jun-Ho Huh

Jun-Ho Huh is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Software, Catholic University of Pusan, South Korea. He is Associate Editor at Human-Centric Computing and Information Sciences (HCIS), Springer, Berlin Heidelberg with FTRA (SCOPUS/ESCI indexed), Associate Editor at Journal of Information Processing Systems (JIPS), Korea Information Processing Society (SCOPUS/ESCI indexed), and Submission Editor at Journal of Multimedia Information System, Korea Multimedia Society. (61816146-e55d-4c54-98d9-069b482531b8)


Principles, Policies, and Applications of Kotlin Programming
Duy Thanh Tran, Jun-Ho Huh. © 2023. 457 pages.
Kotlin programming has been recognized as the main language for deploying Android projects, so this language has tremendous potential. In order to understand the main principles...