K. Jaishankar

K. Jaishankar (Jaii), PhD, is presently the Professor and Head of the Department of Criminology at the Raksha Shakti University (Police and Internal Security University), Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India. Prior to this present position, Professor Jai served as a faculty member at the Department of Criminology and Criminal Justice, Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, Tirunelveli, Tamil Nadu, India. He has published more than hundred publications, including articles, books, book chapters, and editorials. He is the recipient of the prestigious National Academy of Sciences, India (NASI) SCOPUS Young Scientist Award 2012 – Social Sciences and ISC – S. S. Srivastava Award for Excellence in Teaching and Research in Criminology. Professor Jai was a Commonwealth Fellow (2009-2010) at the Centre for Criminal Justice Studies, School of Law, University of Leeds, UK, and has completed a research project on victims of cyber crimes. He is the founding Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Cyber Criminology (www.cybercrimejournal.com) and Editor-in-Chief of International Journal of Criminal Justice Sciences (www.ijcjs.com). He is the founding President of the South Asian Society of Criminology and Victimology (SASCV) (www.sascv.org) and founding Executive Director (Honorary) of the Centre for Cyber Victim Counselling (CCVC) (www.cybervictims.org). He was a member of the UNODC (United Nations Office of Drugs and Crime) Core Group of Experts on Identity-related Crime (2007-08). He is a member of the Membership and Advancement Committee, World Society of Victimology (WSV); International Advisory Board for the Center for the Research and Development of Positive Criminology, Department of Criminology, Bar Illan University, Israel; Advisory Board for the Center for Cybercrime Studies, John Jay College of Criminal Justice, New York, USA; the International Cybercrime Research Centre, Simon Frazer University, Vancouver, Canada; and the Scientific Commission of the International Society of Criminology (ISC); as well as Fellow of the African Center for Cyberlaw and Cybercrime Prevention. He was a discussant in the “Opening Discussion: Focusing on Victims of Crime – Comparing Crime Patterns and Improving Practice, Researchers’ Advice to Policy” of the 2012 Stockholm Criminology Symposium, and responded to questions of Beatrice Ask, Swedish Minister for Justice, and Paula Teixeria da Cruz, the Portuguese Minister for Justice. He was a Keynote Speaker at the 15th World Society of Victimology Symposium held July 2015, at Perth, Australia, and at the 14th World Society of Victimology Symposium held in May 2012, at The Hague, The Netherlands. He was recently appointed as an International Ambassador of the British Society of Criminology (BSC). He is founder of the academic discipline, Cyber Criminology (2007), and is the proponent of the Space Transition Theory of Cyber Crimes (2008). His areas of Academic Competence are Victimology, Cyber Criminology, Crime mapping, GIS, Communal violence, Policing, and Crime prevention.


Love Marriages, Inter-Caste Violence, and Therapeutic Jurisprudential Approach of the Courts in India
Debarati Halder, K. Jaishankar. © 2021. 14 pages.
India is a country of multiple religion, castes, and linguistic groups. The Indian constitution guarantees for equal treatment of laws irrespective of religion, caste, creed etc....
Therapeutic Jurisprudence and Overcoming Violence Against Women
Debarati Halder, K. Jaishankar. © 2017. 344 pages.
Law is a multi-dimensional aspect of modern society that constantly shifts and changes over time. In recent years, the practice of therapeutic jurisprudence has increased...
Love Marriages, Inter-Caste Violence, and Therapeutic Jurisprudential Approach of the Courts in India
Debarati Halder, K. Jaishankar. © 2017. 13 pages.
India is a country of multiple religion, castes, and linguistic groups. The Indian constitution guarantees for equal treatment of laws irrespective of religion, caste, creed etc....
Female Victims of Labor Exploitation Vis-à-Vis Labor Courts in the Southern Tamil Nadu, India: Therapeutic Jurisprudence Solutions for the Prevention of Secondary Victimization
R. Rochin Chandra, K. Jaishankar. © 2017. 11 pages.
The exploitation of young female workers is rampant in the spinning and textile units of southern Tamil Nadu, India, under the notorious ‘Sumangali Scheme', which has...