Karen Pedersen

Karen Pedersen currently serves as the Chief Knowledge Officer for the Online Learning Consortium (OLC). Prior to joining OLC, Pedersen served as a leader in various administrative roles in public and private higher education institutions. She had responsibility for envisioning and building an online operation from the ground up as well as launching nearly 30 innovative online degree programs. She led a system-wide enrollment management transformation, served on the launch team for a competency-based education initiative, and built academic partnerships domestically and internationally including in Brazil, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Malaysia, and Singapore. With an interest in academic quality, she has deployed the Online Learning Consortium Quality Scorecard for the Administration of Online Programs at two institutions and served as a “Lean champion” realizing business process improvements across key operational areas such as recruitment, advising, and retention. Throughout her administrative career she led award-winning academic operations, marketing units, technology teams, and student support services divisions. She serves as a thought leader and presenter on the topics of quality, learner success, institutional transformation, and excellence. Prior to starting her administrative career, Pedersen served as a full-time faculty member and currently serves as a faculty member for the OLC/Penn State Institute for Emerging Leadership in Online Learning (IELOL). She holds a bachelor of science and master of science degree from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and a doctor of philosophy degree from Oklahoma State University.


Handbook of Research on Building, Growing, and Sustaining Quality E-Learning Programs
Kaye Shelton, Karen Pedersen. © 2017. 412 pages.
As e-learning has evolved into a global change agent in higher education, it has become more diverse in its form and applications. Now that many institutions have implemented...