Keng Siau is the Chair of the Department of Business and Information Technology at the Missouri University of Science and Technology. Prior to joining the Missouri University of Science and Technology in June 2012, he was the Edwin J. Faulkner Chair Professor and Full Professor of Management at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Professor Siau is the Editor-in-Chief for the Journal of Database Management, North America Regional Editor for the Requirements Engineering journal, and Co-Editor-in-Chief for the Advances in Database Research series. He is the Vice President of Education for the Association for Information Systems and serves on the Board of Partnership for Advancing Computing Education (PACE). He received his PhD in Business Administration (major: Management Information Systems; minor: Psychology) from the University of British Columbia in 1996. His MSc and BSc (honors) degrees are in Computer and Information Sciences from the National University of Singapore.Professor Siau has more than 250 academic publications. According to the ISI Web of Science and Google Scholar, he has more than 1600 and 4000 citation counts respectively. His h-index, according to Harzing’s Publish or Perish, is 33. In 2011, he was ranked as one of the top researchers in his field based on h-index and productivity rate. In 2006, he was ranked as one of the top ten e-commerce researchers in the world (Arithmetic Rank of 7, Geometric Rank of 3). In the same year, the citation count for his paper “Building Customer Trust in Mobile Commerce” is ranked in the top 1% within the field as reported by Essential Science Indicators.
Professor Siau has received numerous teaching, research, and service awards. He received the University of Nebraska-Lincoln Distinguished Teaching Award and the College of Business Administration Distinguished Teaching Award in 2001. He received the University of Nebraska-Lincoln College of Business Administration Research Award in 2005. He is a recipient of the prestigious International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP) Outstanding Service Award in 2006, the IBM Faculty Awards in 2006 and 2008, and the IBM Faculty Innovation Award in 2010.