Khadijah Said Hashim

Khadijah Said Hashim earned her Master's of Education in Educational Psychology from the International Islamic University Malaysia and PhD from Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. She is currently a senior lecturer at the Faculty of Education, UiTM Puncak Alam Campus in Selangor, teaching Research Methodology and Educational Psychology for undergraduate level, and Human Development for Postgraduate students. Besides teaching, Khadijah has been a speaker and trainer for new lecturers at UiTM since 2007. She is also actively engaged in collaborative work with international universities. Her research interests include Pedagogy and Andragogy, Educational Psychology, Special Education and Teacher training.


Humanistic Teaching During the Pandemic: Education Beyond the Lesson
Nadia Ainuddin Dahlan, Melissa Malik, Khadijah Said Hashim, Fatin Aliana Mohd Radzi, Farhana Wan Yunus. © 2023. 19 pages.
During the COVID-19 crisis, teaching and learning activities were largely conducted online through open and distance learning (ODL). As a result, educators and students lacked...
Collaborative Pedagogy for Global Learners: Adaptive Teaching for Borderless Learning
Malai Zeiti Sheikh Abdul Hamid, Khadijah Said Hashim, Kriscentti Exzur P. Barcelona, Rene II Mediana Babiera. © 2023. 17 pages.
Collaborative pedagogy is one of the teaching approaches that focuses on students' engagement and teamwork in classroom activities to develop critical skill sets such as...