Lídia Oliveira

Lídia OliveiraLídia Oliveira (full name: Lídia de Jesus Oliveira Loureiro da Silva) (lidia@ua.pt | phone: +351 92 91 90 764 | Skype: lidiaoliveira2) has a degree in Philosophy from the University of Coimbra (1990), a Master's degree in Educational Technology from the University of Aveiro, in partnership with the University of Valenciennes (France) and Mons (Belgium) (1995), and a PhD in Sciences and Technologies of Communication from the University of Aveiro (2002). She did her post-doctorate (2009-2010) at CES - Centre for Social Studies - Associate Laboratory of the University of Coimbra. In 2010 she did her Aggregation Examination at the University of Aveiro, in the scientific area of Sciences and Technologies of Communication. She is been a professor and researcher in the Department of Communication and Art (http://www.ua.pt) at the University of Aveiro since 1995 until the present (since 2014 she is Associate Professor with Habilitation). She investigates the implications of information technology and network communication on cognitive and social routines, of the individuals, groups and organizations. Her main scientific interest is in cyberculture studies and social network analysis. Her areas of interest are: Social Network Analysis, Cyberculture Studies, Sociology of Communication, Science and Technologies of Communication, ICT and Education, Multimedia, Information Systems, Digital Libraries, Science Communication, Communication in the Scientific Community (theoretical and empirical studies). She has published both nationally and internationally in peer review journals, book chapters and, conferences proceedings. She teaches on the undergraduate Course of New Communication Technologies; on the Master in Multimedia Communication (interactive multimedia and audio-visual digital branch); on the Master in Reading Promotion and School Libraries; on the Doctoral Program in Multimedia and Education (Consortium between the Department of Education and the Department of Communication and Art, University of Aveiro) and on the Doctoral Program in Information and Communication in Digital Platforms (Consortium between the Department of Communication and Art at the University of Aveiro and the Faculty of Letters of the University of Porto). Information on-line: CV DeGois Key DeGóis: 3915920968130714 http://www.degois.pt/visualizador/curriculum.jsp?key=3915920968130714 Google Académico http://scholar.google.com.br/citations?hl=pt-PT&user=LHoxd0QAAAAJ ResearchGate https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Lidia_Oliveira_Silva/ Academia.edu https://aveiro.academia.edu/LídiaOliveiraSilva Scopus Scopus Author ID 54581462800 http://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.url?authorId=54581462800 ORCID - Connecting Research and Researchers ID 0000-0002-3278-0326 http://orcid.org/0000-0002-3278-0326 ResearcherID – B5678-2011


Handbook of Research on Digital Communications, Internet of Things, and the Future of Cultural Tourism
Lídia Oliveira. © 2022. 587 pages.
Digital communication is significantly expanding new opportunities and challenges in the tourism industry. Tourists, now more frequently than ever, bring their smartphones with...
Forest Fire Scenarios in Digital Platforms: The Case of Portugal
Liliana Gonçalves, Lídia Oliveira. © 2022. 28 pages.
Forest fires are widespread in Portugal, particularly in the summer. Recently, in 2017, Portugal had two great fires. As a result, more than 120 people died, hundreds suffered...
Handbook of Research on Cultural Heritage and Its Impact on Territory Innovation and Development
Lídia Oliveira, Ana Carla Amaro, Ana Melro. © 2021. 447 pages.
Cultural heritage is perceived as the glue that keeps individuals together and makes them feel a part of something larger. It is the past that allows individuals to understand...
Digital Services in Crisis, Disaster, and Emergency Situations
Lídia Oliveira, Federico Tajariol, Liliana Baptista Gonçalves. © 2021. 411 pages.
The contemporary world is characterized by the massive use of digital communication platforms and services that allow people to stay in touch with each other and their...
Internet of Things: Evolution and Potential for Preserving and Enjoying Cultural Heritage
Imran Khan, Lídia Oliveira, Ana Carla Amaro, Ana Melro. © 2021. 25 pages.
The potential of IoT applications is now recognized, namely the use the IoT as a technological solution for societal challenges such as in health, education, industries, tourism...
Amiais: Territory and Memories Translated From Local Speeches
Ana Melro, Lídia Oliveira, Ana Carla Amaro. © 2021. 23 pages.
The chapter takes a journey through the place, revisiting the central dimensions for its development, particularly, for LOCUS project – playful connected rural territories. These...
Forest Fire Scenarios in Digital Platforms: The Case of Portugal
Liliana Gonçalves, Lídia Oliveira. © 2021. 28 pages.
Forest fires are widespread in Portugal, particularly in the summer. Recently, in 2017, Portugal had two great fires. As a result, more than 120 people died, hundreds suffered...
Open and Social Learning in Impact Communities and Smart Territories
Lídia Oliveira, Ana Luísa Rego Melro. © 2019. 274 pages.
Impact communities are the places where individuals gather to contribute to the transformation of their territories by disseminating knowledge. As such, it is vital to research...
Infocommunication Skills as a Rehabilitation and Social Reintegration Tool for Inmates
Lídia Oliveira, Daniela Graça. © 2019. 326 pages.
The prison population is a social group with a high level of digital divide. These individuals need to acquire digital skills for their future integration into society. As such...
Learning Processes in Impact Communities: Different Variables to Consider
Lídia Oliveira, Ana Luísa Rego Melro. © 2019. 17 pages.
Engagement processes are facing a lot of challenges since the boom of the IT. This is true when there is a face-to-face engagement process, but also when the ties are mostly...
Open and Big Data as a Resource to the Development of Social Innovation Initiatives and Smart Territories
Ana Luísa Rego Melro, Lídia Oliveira. © 2019. 21 pages.
The chapter aims to reflect on how social innovation and entrepreneurship (SIE) initiatives can mobilize the existing knowledge of open data on the territory in order to generate...
Social Online Networks as Spaces of Knowledge Creation, Management, and Dissemination: The Brazilian and Portuguese Case of Researchers in Information Science
Raimunda Araujo Ribeiro, Lídia Oliveira, Cassia Cordeiro Furtado. © 2019. 28 pages.
This chapter presents the purposes, uses, and perceptions of Luso-Brazilian lecturers/researchers in the information science and documentation area on the use of online social...
Curriculum and Training Model Proposal for Infocomunicational Competences Acquisition in Prison: A Case Study in Two Portuguese Prisons
Daniela Graça, Lídia Oliveira. © 2019. 40 pages.
ICT have an important role in various areas of Portuguese society. Social reintegration is a key theme in the Portuguese penal system and its legislation. This dichotomy led to...
New Media Usage and the Impact on Inmates' Technological Profiles and Their Infocommunicational Skills
Ana Melro, Daniela Graça, Lídia Oliveira. © 2019. 20 pages.
We live in a period of new literacies development, specifically the technological ones. Contact with new media or changes in more traditional ones leads to a need for different...
Screen Culture
Ana Melro, Lídia Oliveira. © 2019. 14 pages.
For several years now, technology usage cannot be separated from screens. Examples include television, computer, smartphone, mobile phone, tablet, e-book reader, multimedia...
Managing Screen Time in an Online Society
Lídia Oliveira. © 2019. 393 pages.
The number of hours individuals spend in front of screens, such as smartphones, televisions, computers, and tablets, is enormous in today’s society because screen time plays a...
Ana Melro, Lídia Oliveira. © 2019. 6 pages.
This Preface is included in the book Constitutional Knowledge and Its Impact on Citizenship Exercise in a Networked Society.
Sedated by the Screen: Social Use of Time in the Age of Mediated Acceleration
Lídia Oliveira. © 2019. 30 pages.
The social use of time has been progressively affected by the presence of screen devices in people's daily lives. These devices are of various types: television, tablet...
Knowledge Creation, Management, and Dissemination in Impact Communities
Ana Melro, Lídia Oliveira. © 2019. 15 pages.
This chapter's mission is to reflect on the steps taken by knowledge (creation, management, and dissemination) in an impact community (IC). Also, it aims to analyze how this...
Screen Culture
Ana Melro, Lídia Oliveira. © 2018. 12 pages.
For several years now, technology usage cannot be separated from screens. Examples such as television, computer, smartphone, mobile phone, tablet, e-book reader, multimedia...
Knowledge Creation, Management, and Dissemination in Impact Communities
Ana Melro, Lídia Oliveira. © 2018. 15 pages.
This chapter's mission is to reflect on the steps taken by knowledge (creation, management, and dissemination) in an impact community (IC). Also, it aims to analyze how this...