Leonard Troughton

Leonard Troughton is a special educator with 20+ years of experience working with individuals with emotional and behavioral disabilities. His teaching and research include (a) use of cognitive-behavioral and social skills interventions for students with EBD, (b) supporting educational transitions for students with EBD, (c) providing classroom and behavioral management strategies for general and special education teachers, and (d) preparing future special education teachers to work with students with disabilities, particularly those students with EBD. Dr. Troughton currently is an Assistant Professor in the Special Education Program at the University of Southern Mississippi.


A Case Study Examining One School's Trek Towards More Inclusive Practice
K. Alisa Lowrey, Kathy Howery, Leonard Troughton. © 2024. 27 pages.
The purpose of this chapter is to discuss an in-depth case study involving one school's mission to increase inclusive practices through the utilization of Universal Design...