Lisa M. B. Tokpa

Lisa Tokpa is the Director of Field Education at the Uganda Studies Program (USP) at Uganda Christian University, guiding the program’s community engagement efforts through internships in the social work, global health, and interdisciplinary emphases. This position builds upon her decade as the USP Social Work Coordinator and Faculty developing the social work curriculum, cultivating mutually beneficial partnerships within the community and with North American social work programs, teaching the in-country BSW seminar and supervising social work field placements. Lisa obtained her Master of Social Work from the Brown School at Washington University in St. Louis and then worked for 12 years in child welfare programs in the U.S., Liberia, and Kenya. Now based in Colorado, she utilizes her experience in both domestic and international social work practice to build bridges in higher education towards shared learning, symbiotic partnerships, and decolonized social work education.


International Field Education Through the Lens of Cultural Humility: Transformational Learning Abroad
Lisa M. B. Tokpa. © 2024. 32 pages.
With the challenges facing our society today, it is critical that opportunities be provided for social work students to learn about difference, and how to work effectively with...