Luigi Cinque

Luigi CinqueLUIGI CINQUE received his laurea degree in Physics from the University of Napoli, in 1983. From 1984 to 1990 he was with the Laboratory of Artificial Intelligence (Alenia S.p.A), working on the development of expert systems and knowledge-based vision systems. In 1990, he joined the Department of Computer Science of the Sapienza University of Rome, where he is currently, a Full Professor. His first scientific interests cover Image Processing, Shape and Object Recognition, Analysis and Interpretation of Images and their Applications, with particular emphasis at Content-Based Retrieval in Visual Digital Archives, and Advanced Man-Machine Interaction, assisted by Computer Vision. Actually, his main interests involve Distributed Systems for Analysis and Interpretation of Video Sequences, Target Tracking, Multisensor Data and Information Fusion. Some of techniques he has proposed have found applications in field of Video-Based Surveillance Systems, Autonomous Vehicle, Road Traffic Control, Human Behaviour Understanding, and visual inspection. He is author of more than 200 papers in National and International Journals, and Conference Proceedings. He currently serves as reviewer for many International Journals (e.g., IEEE Trans. on PAMI, IEEE Trans. on Circuit and Systems, IEEE Trans. on SMC, IEEE Trans. on Vehicular Technology, IEEE Trans. on Medical Imaging, Image and Vision Computing). He served an scientific committees of International Conferences (e.g., CVPR, ICME, ICPR) and symposia. He serve as a reviewer for the European Union in different research program. He is Senior Member of IEEE, Member of ACM and Member of IAPR.


Mobile Applications for Automatic Object Recognition
Danilo Avola, Gian Luca Foresti, Claudio Piciarelli, Marco Vernier, Luigi Cinque. © 2019. 13 pages.
In recent years, the technological improvements of mobile devices in terms of computational capacity, embedded sensors, natural interaction, and high-speed connection are...
Mobile Applications for Automatic Object Recognition
Danilo Avola, Gian Luca Foresti, Claudio Piciarelli, Marco Vernier, Luigi Cinque. © 2018. 12 pages.
In recent years, the technological improvements of mobile devices in terms of computational capacity, embedded sensors, natural interaction and high-speed connection are enabling...