Lynda Leavitt

Dr. Lynda Leavitt is a Professor in the Educational Leadership Department at Lindenwood University, where she currently teaches and chairs dissertations. Lynda has an EdD in Educational Leadership from Saint Louis University, M.A. in Curriculum and Instruction, M.A. in International Relations, B.S. in Elementary and Special Education and a B.S. in Political Science.

Currently she serves as the Associate Editor of the International Academic Forum (IAFOR) Journal of Education and currently co-produces the podcasts CapIt!@Lindenwood and WOW! I want to take that class. Dr. Leavitt also serves on the Lindenwood University Research Policy Advisory, sponsors Alpha Chi Honor Society and is a member of the Editorial Board of the International Journal of Education. Beyond higher education, Dr. Leavitt’s experience includes general and special education administration, teaching in a k-12 setting and Charter School consulting.

Lynda has received numerous honors. Most notably the Lindenwood University President’s Scholar/Teacher Award and the National Sponsor of the Year Award at the Alpha Chi Honor Society national convention. Lynda presented nationally and internationally on topics related to globalization, study abroad, educational leadership and served as editor of three books: The Handbook of Research on Advancing Critical Thinking in Higher Education, Cultural Awareness and Competency Development in Higher Education with a third publication, Research on Social Inequality and Education.


Handbook of Research on Social Inequality and Education
Sherrie Wisdom, Lynda Leavitt, Cynthia Bice. © 2019. 556 pages.
In comparing one public school to another, discussions frequently include talk concerning the socioeconomics of a school or district, which then leads to talk about the...
Lynda Leavitt, Sherrie Wisdom, Kelly Leavitt. © 2017. 7 pages.
This Preface is included in the book Cultural Awareness and Competency Development in Higher Education.
Handbook of Research on Advancing Critical Thinking in Higher Education
Sherrie Wisdom, Lynda Leavitt. © 2015. 567 pages.
The importance of critical thinking has surged as academics in higher education realize that many students, upon entering college, lack the critical thinking skills necessary to...
A Case Study of an Intervention to Support Ed.D. Students in Dissertation Writing
Beth Kania-Gosche, Lynda Leavitt. © 2013. 11 pages.
Dissertation writing is often the most challenging aspect of the doctoral program. In an effort to raise completion rates and lower time-to-degree as well as increase student...
“They Didn’t Teach Them Anything!”: Learning from Each Other in K-20
Beth Kania-Gosche, Sherrie Wisdom, Lynda Leavitt. © 2013. 14 pages.
In the United States, the new Common Core standards intend for every high school senior to graduate “college and career ready.” However, the differences between K-12 public...
A Case Study of an Intervention to Support Ed.D. Students in Dissertation Writing
Beth Kania-Gosche, Lynda Leavitt. © 2011. 11 pages.
Dissertation writing is often the most challenging aspect of the doctoral program. In an effort to raise completion rates and lower time-to-degree as well as increase student...