Manuel Santos-Trigo

Manuel Santos-Trigo is a Professor at the Mathematics Education Department, Centre for Research and Advanced Studies, Cinvestav-IPN, Mexico. He teaches graduate courses and does research in mathematical problem solving. His area of interest involves analyzing and documenting teachers and students’ systematic use of digital technology in problem solving activities. He completed his BSc in mathematics at the National Polytechnic Institute in Mexico and a doctorate in mathematics education at the University of British Columbia, Canada. He did a post-doctorate research as a visiting scholar at the University of California, Berkeley. He has been a visiting professor in several institutions including Purdue University, l’université d’Orléans (France), and the University of la Laguna (Spain). Currently, he directs the research project: The Development of Theoretical Foundations to Support the Coordinated Use of Digital Technology in Teachers and Students re-construction of Mathematical Knowledge.


Technology Design and Routes for Tool Appropriation in Medical Practices
Manuel Santos-Trigo, Ernesto Suaste, Paola Figuerola. © 2019. 12 pages.
This chapter aims to analyze the extent to which medical practitioners incorporate the use of digital technologies into their practices. In this process, it is recognized that...
Technology Design and Routes for Tool Appropriation in Medical Practices
Manuel Santos-Trigo, Ernesto Suaste, Paola Figuerola. © 2018. 11 pages.
This chapter aims to analyse the extent to which medical practitioners incorporate the use of digital technologies into their practices. In this process, it is recognised that...
A Mathematical Problem-Solving Approach to Identify and Explore Instructional Routes Based On the Use of Computational Tools
Manuel Santos-Trigo. © 2010. 17 pages.
To what extent do technology developments influence teachers’ instructional practices? How can teachers incorporate mathematics education research into their learning activities?...