Marek Jabłoński

Marek Jablonski is an Associate Professor at WSB University in Poznan, Faculty in Chorzów. He is the Head of Scientific Institute of Entrepreneurship and Innovation. He is also Vice President of the Board of “OTTIMA Plus” Ltd. of Katowice, a reputable management consulting company, and President of the “Southern Railway Cluster” Association in Katowice which supports development in railway transport and the transfer of innovation, as well as cooperation with European railway clusters (as a member of the European Railway Cluster Initiative). He holds a postdoctoral degree in Economic Science, specializing in Management Science in the following range of topics: Value Based Management, Performance Management, and Business Models. Having worked as a management consultant since 1997, he is the author of a variety of studies and business analysis on business models, creating shareholder value, the Balanced Scorecard, and implementing the High Performance Organization concept. He has also written and co-written several monographs and over 100 scientific articles in the field of strategic management, performance management and business models. Marek’s academic interests focus on the issues of strategic value, innovative business models, measurement systems of results including companies listed on the stock exchange and the principles of creating shareholder value and new trends in this area.


Networked Business Models in the Circular Economy
Bogdan Nogalski, Agnieszka Anna Szpitter, Adam Jabłoński, Marek Jabłoński. © 2020. 302 pages.
Economic changes in a globalized world require businesses to create new management practices to remain competitive and successful. While a network paradigm is a key management...
The Use of Sustainable Business Model Archetypes in the Design of Circular Business Models in the Digital Economy
Marek Jabłoński. © 2020. 18 pages.
Archetypes of sustainable business models can be used to the elaboration of archetypes of business models that combine the assumptions of sharing economy and circular economy as...