Mónica Barrientos-Bueno

Mónica Barrientos-Bueno received her PhD in Audiovisual Communication from University of Seville in 2004 with the thesis “El primitivo cinematógrafo de Sevilla (1896-1906) a través de programas de mano y prensa local.” She is an Associate Professor in the Audiovisual Communication and Advertising Department of the University of Seville (Spain). Her research focuses on different aspects of cinema, including the beginnings and its rapport with painting, and on social television and TV series. She is the author of the monographs Inicios del Cine en Sevilla (1896-1906). De la presentación en la ciudad a las exhibiciones continuadas (Editorial Universidad de Sevilla, 2006), Celuloide enmarcado. El retrato pictórico en el cine (Quiasmo, 2009) and Dentro del cuadro. 50 presencias pictóricas en el cine (Universitat Oberta de Catalunya Presses, 2017). She has also published several papers in academic journals such as L´Atlante, Opción, Historia y Comunicación Social, Estudios sobre el Mensaje Periodístico and Icono 14, among others. She is responsible for chapters in collective volumes; among the most recent are “Opening de la serie Anne with an ‘e’ como construcción simbólica y narrativa a través de la pintura” in Nuevas realidades en comunicación audiovisual (Tecnos, 2018) and “New Technologies and Transmedia Storytelling in Victor Ros: Captivating Audiencies at the Turn of the Century”, co-written with Ángeles Martínez-García in Televising Restoration Spain. History and Fiction in Twenty First-Century Costume Dramas (Palgrave Macmillan, 2018).


Handbook of Research on Transmedia Storytelling, Audience Engagement, and Business Strategies
Víctor Hernández-Santaolalla, Mónica Barrientos-Bueno. © 2020. 457 pages.
As media evolves with technological improvement, communication changes alongside it. In particular, storytelling and narrative structure have adapted to the new digital...
Netflix in Spain, Spain in Netflix
Mónica Barrientos-Bueno. © 2020. 16 pages.
The arrival of Netflix in Spain represents a complete revolution in the distribution and consumption of audiovisual content. The platform has not limited its offer to what is...