Muhammet Ali Köroğlu

Muhammet Ali Köroğluhas been an Assistant Professor at Usak University, Social Work Department. He obtained his Master’s Degree from Selçuk University Philosophy and Religious Sciences Department in 2004. And he obtained his PhD from Necmettin Erbakan University in 2012. He focused on relations of public sphere and religion in his PhD researches. His research interests are social and religious movements, social work with elderly and relations of autonomous public spheres, and religion.


Development of Crime Sociology From Bureaucratic Iron Cage to Digital Determination
Muhammet Ali Köroğlu. © 2020. 12 pages.
As a necessity of being a social being, humanity has lived as groups and communities throughout its entire history. The collective life has required some values, norms, and...
Information Technologies and Social Change
Muhammet Ali Köroğlu, Cemile Zehra Köroğlu. © 2019. 10 pages.
Since the 19th century, the whole world has experienced the effects of the Information Revolution in varying degrees. Information science and technologies have become areas that...
Information Technologies and Social Change
Muhammet Ali Köroğlu, Cemile Zehra Köroğlu. © 2018. 8 pages.
There are turning points in human history changed the destiny of humanity: Representing the transition from hunting-gathering to agriculture, Agricultural Revolution or the...
On the Transformation of Social Movements: An Analysis From the East-West Axis
Cemile Zehra Zehra Köroğlu, Muhammet Ali Köroğlu. © 2018. 25 pages.
As social entities, people could come together and create regular relations and institutions. Concepts such as group, community, society, social movement, etc. are about the...