Mykola Borysovych Yeromin

Mykola Borysovych Yeromin, PhD (Candidate of Political Sciences), is a researcher affiliated with Vasyl’ Stus Donetsk National University (Vinnytsia). He writes and presents widely on issues of audiovisual media, its role in the international political communications, specific types of said communications and is an author of more the two dozen publicized works in Ukrainian, English and Russian. He is also an award-winning filmmaker (usually under a stage/variant name Nikolay Yeriomin), writer and a freelance music composer.


Universal Codes of Media in International Political Communications: Emerging Research and Opportunities
Mykola Borysovych Yeromin. © 2021. 209 pages.
Much like different lenses will give a camera a different view, different forms of media portray different aspects of political relations. Without conveyed messages through...
Universal and Specific Codes of Cultural Context in Audio-Visual Media: Collision and Mutual Enrichment in International Technology-Enhanced Language Learning
Mykola Borysovych Yeromin, Igor Charskykh. © 2018. 15 pages.
Mission of the chapter is to draw the attention to how specific and universal cultural contexts influence audio-visual media used in technology-enhanced language learning (TELL)...