Ovsei Gelman

Ovsei Gelman-Muravchik is a Senior Researcher at the Center of Applied Sciences and Technology Development (CCADET) of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). He holds a BS, MS, and PhD in Physics and Mathematics from the University of Tbilisi, Georgia. In the last 35 years he has contributed to the advance of the systems science discipline and interdisciplinary research through the publication of approximately 250 research papers in books, national and international journals, and conference proceedings, as well as by the participation as an advisor in the Engineering Graduate Program at UNAM and by the consulting for governmental and private organizations.


Research Methodologies, Innovations and Philosophies in Software Systems Engineering and Information Systems
Manuel Mora, Ovsei Gelman, Annette L. Steenkamp, Mahesh Raisinghani. © 2012. 512 pages.
Philosophical paradigms, theoretical frameworks, and methodologies make up the answering and problem solving systems that define current research approaches. While there are...