Sergey Sergeevich Akhmetov

Sergey Sergeevich Akhmetov , UNESCO Department of Journalism and Communication, al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Kazakhstan. Sergey Akhmetov - born in Almaty, Kazakhstan. Education: Kazakhstan Institute of Economics, Management and Strategic Research (Bachelor’s dergree: economics of public policy and business economics); al-Farabi Kazakh National University (master’s degree: public relations). Coauthor of the books: “Nepravitelstvenniy sector Almaty” [“Nongovernmental Sector of Almaty”] in Russian, “Otsenka I monitoring SMI v predviborniy period” in Russian [“Media Assessment and Monitoring During the Election Period”]; author of research papers on history of Kazakhstan, tourism industry of Kazakhstan, mass media and public relations.


Virgin Lands Development in Kazakhstan: Causes, Implementation, Consequences
Laila Seysembekovna Akhmetova, Sergey Sergeevich Akhmetov, Usembayeva Aygerim. © 2024. 21 pages.
The consequences of the virgin lands development are still felt in the Republic of Kazakhstan. In addition to the environmental burden caused by the expansionary cultivation in...