Sonda Bouattour Fakhfakh

Sonda Bouattour Fakhfakh: Ph.D and Information systems assistant at the University of Tunis El Manar (FSEGT). Her research focuses on the ICT use in the Arab culture, the IT outsourcing with a particular interest in how socio-psychological factors may influence the human behavior when using ICT.


Why It Is Difficult to Disengage From Facebook
Sonda Bouattour Fakhfakh. © 2019. 11 pages.
The huge popularity of social network sites like Facebook gave rise to numerous studies exploring the prerequisites and consequences of FB use. This chapter does not deviate from...
Why It Is Difficult to Disengage From Facebook
Sonda Bouattour Fakhfakh. © 2018. 10 pages.
The huge popularity of social network sites like Facebook gave rise to numerous studies exploring the prerequisites and consequences of FB use. This article does not deviate from...
Deciding to Use ICT in the Arab Culture: The Influence of Obedience to Authority and Collectivism
Sonda Fakhfakh. © 2011. 18 pages.
Compared to the Western world, the Arab world endures a lack of ICT use and a scarcity in software production and services. One of the explanations that were advanced in order to...