Tamara O. Alsace, Ph.D. is an independent scholar who is currently working with several organizations, including the Council of the Great City Schools, the Regional Bilingual Education Resource Network of the New York State Education Department, and the City University of New York Initiative on Immigration in Education (CUNY-IIE). She is also happily teaching as an adjunct in the Bilingual Exceptional Education Program at SUNY Buffalo State College. Retired from the Buffalo, New York Public Schools following a 32+ year career as a bilingual educator and Director of Multilingual Education, Dr. Alsace continues to be a voice in the fields of Bilingual Education and Bilingual Special Education. A past president and current Advocacy Committee co-chairperson of the New York State Association for Bilingual Education (NYSABE), she is actively engaged in professional activities, organizations, and advocacy efforts at the local, state, and national levels. Tamara serves on the boards of several non-profit organizations and is heavily invested in their diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts.