Timon C. Du is a professor of decision sciences and managerial economics with the
Faculty of Business Administration, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. He also
serves as director of master of sciences in e-business management. He earned his MS
and PhD degrees in industrial engineering from Arizona State University. Currently, his
research interests are business intelligence, RFID privacy and security, e-logistics,
culture and e-commerce, and the Semantic Web. He has published papers in many leading
international journals such as International Journal of Production Research, Communications of the ACM, IIE Transactions, International Journal of Computer-Integrated
Manufacturing, Decision Support Systems, Omega, Information System Technology,
and others. He was executive editor for the International Journal of Internet and
Enterprise Management. Currently, he is executive editor for the International Journal
of Electronic Business and president-elect of the International Consortium for Electronic
Business (ICEB).