Valentina Franzoni

Valentina Franzoni obtained her Ph.D. in Engineering for Computer Science at the Department of Computer, Control, and Management Engineering at La Sapienza University of Rome, with an excellent evaluation. She has been a senior research assistant at the Department of Computer Science, Hong Kong Baptist University (2012) and at the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Perugia, Italy (2011–2015). She received her BSc degree and MSc (cum laude - honours) from the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Perugia, then worked as a Adjunct Professor for the Master in Systems and Technologies for Information and Communication Security, and Assistant Professor for Multimedia Systems and Computer Science. Her research interests include artificial intelligence, broadening from emotion recognition to network semantics, usability and web learning, in which she has a record of invited international speeches, publications and awards since 2008.


Autonomous Hexapod Robot With Artificial Vision and Remote Control by Myo-Electric Gestures: The Innovative Implementation Tale of gAItano
Valentina Franzoni. © 2018. 20 pages.
The robot gAItano is an intelligent hexapod robot, able to move in an environment of unknown size and perform some autonomous actions. It uses the RoboRealm software in order to...