Victoria Nikolaevna Strizhevskaya

Victoriya Nikolaevna Strizhevskaya works at the Department of Food Technology from 1997 to the present. She graduated from the Saratov State Academy of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology with a degree in “Technology of meat and meat products”, qualification - “Engineer-technologist”. Theme of the thesis: “The study of technological properties and ways of using lamb in public catering” defense took place on January 28, 2004 in the dissertation council of the St. Petersburg Trade and Economic Institute. Direction of research activities: 05.18.15- “Technology and commodity research of products of functional and specialized purposes and catering.” He has more than 40 publications, 30 publications in the RSCI, 5 publications in journals according to the list of HAC, 8 teaching aids for bachelors and masters in the areas of training on “Technology products and the organization of public catering”.


Global Production and Consumption of Fast Food and Instant Concentrates
Inna Vladimirovna Simakova, Victoria Nikolaevna Strizhevskaya, Roman Lvovich Perkel, Galina Yuryevna Rakhmanova. © 2022. 253 pages.
Globalization and industrialization have caused serious changes to the food and services markets, which have led to an increase in the consumption of fast food in the daily diet....