Y. Sakka

Yoshio Sakka is a Managing Director of Materials Processing Unit at National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS), and Professor of the University of Tsukuba. He received his B.E. in 1978, M.E in 1980, and Ph. D. in 1983 from Kyushu University. After receiving his Ph.D, he joined the National Research Institute for Metals (present NIMS). During 1991-92, he stayed a year in University of Washington. He is the author or coauthor of 14 books, above 450 original referee’s papers, above 60 review papers, and above 50 patents (including application). By the above establishment, he received many awards, such as Fulrath award from American Ceramic Society (May, 2000), Academic achievement from Japanese Ceramic Society (May, 2005), Chinese Ceramic Society Award (Oct., 2005), Academy member of World Academy of Ceramics (July, 2009), Richard Brook Award from European Ceramic Society (June, 2011), etc. He has an h-index of 32 and 4600 citations.


MAX Phases and Ultra-High Temperature Ceramics for Extreme Environments
I. M. Low, Y. Sakka, C. F. Hu. © 2013. 679 pages.
Ceramics are a versatile material, more so than is widely known. They are thermal resistant, poor electrical conductors, insulators against nuclear radiation, and not easily...