Zeyar Myo Aung

Zeyar Myo Aung holds a Masters Degree in Business Administrations specializing in the field of Human Resources Management. Key interestsfocus upon international tourism, human resources development, establishment of sound organizational culture for the organizations. Experienced in preparing complex multi-disciplined yet visionary strategies, reports and proposals; policy and strategic planning; productdevelopment;developingandmanagingworkprogrammes,budgets and accounts; supporting and coordinating the participation and interests of different stakeholders; conceiving projects; networking; team building; working in multi-cultural teams; undertaking field and contextual research; presenting oral and written progress reports; teaching, lecturing, coaching, advising and mentoring.


Tourism and Opportunities for Economic Development in Asia
Patricia Ordóńez de Pablos, Zeyar Myo Aung. © 2017. 341 pages.
The growing market of tourism in Asian countries has caused significant changes to the economy, transportation, and safety for citizens. With the ubiquity of tourism, there is...