Zude Zhou

Zude Zhou is a professor at the School of Mechanical and Electronic Engineering, Wuhan University of Technology, P. R. China. He is also the President of Wuhan University. He received his Bachelor degree in Electrical Engineering from Huazhong University of Technology, China, in 1970.He attended in a advanced studies at Birmingham, UK, from 1984-1986. He was also a Visiting Professor of the University of Bolton, UK, a Visiting Professor of Hong Kong University, Hong kong, and a Visiting Scientist of National University of Singapore, Singapore. Mr. Zhou specializes in control and application of microcomputer, electromechanical integration technology, intelligent manufacturing, digital manufacturing, network manufacturing. He published more than 300 articles.


Manufacturing Intelligence for Industrial Engineering: Methods for System Self-Organization, Learning, and Adaptation
Zude Zhou, Huaiqing Wang, Ping Lou. © 2010. 407 pages.
The manufacturing industry has experienced dramatic change over the years with growing advancements, implementations, and applications in technology. Manufacturing Intelligence...
Intelligent Manufacturing and Manufacturing Intelligence
Zude Zhou, Huaiqing Wang, Ping Lou. © 2010. 12 pages.
Manufacturing is a prime generator of wealth and is critical in establishing a sound basis for economic growth. Manufacturing is also the cornerstone of all economic activities...
Knowledge-Based System
Zude Zhou, Huaiqing Wang, Ping Lou. © 2010. 34 pages.
Knowledge-Based System (KBS), a branch research area of AI, has been widely used in interpretation, prediction, diagnosis, debugging, design, planning, monitoring, repair...
Intelligent Agents and Multi-Agent Systems
Zude Zhou, Huaiqing Wang, Ping Lou. © 2010. 37 pages.
Multi-Agent systems (MAS) are typical KBS and intelligent agents are viewed as extensions of KBS. Originating from the field of Distributed Artificial Intelligence (DAI), agent...
Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery
Zude Zhou, Huaiqing Wang, Ping Lou. © 2010. 27 pages.
In Chapters 2 and 3, the knowledge-based system and Multi-Agent system were illustrated. These are significant methods and theories of Manufacturing Intelligence (MI). Data...
Computational Intelligence
Zude Zhou, Huaiqing Wang, Ping Lou. © 2010. 26 pages.
In the 1990s, a new paradigm of science characterized by uncertainty, nonlinearity, and irreversibility and tackling complex problems was generally recognized by the academic...
Business Process Modeling and Information Systems Modeling
Zude Zhou, Huaiqing Wang, Ping Lou. © 2010. 23 pages.
Today’s world is characterized by globalization and the rapid advance of information technology. To face such unprecedented change and survive, enterprises have to continuously...
Sensor Integration and Data Fusion Theory
Zude Zhou, Huaiqing Wang, Ping Lou. © 2010. 29 pages.
In previous chapters, the engineering scientific foundations of manufacturing intelligence (such as the knowledge-based system, Multi-Agent system, data mining and knowledge...
Group Technology
Zude Zhou, Huaiqing Wang, Ping Lou. © 2010. 25 pages.
Group technology (GT) is a management philosophy that attempts to group products with similar design and/or manufacturing characteristics. It is also a key factor in the...
Intelligent Control Theory and Technologies
Zude Zhou, Huaiqing Wang, Ping Lou. © 2010. 31 pages.
In the previous chapters, the theoretical and technological foundations of MI have been investigated, they include, knowledge-based system, multi-agent system, data mining and...
Intelligent Product Design: Intelligent CAD
Zude Zhou, Huaiqing Wang, Ping Lou. © 2010. 28 pages.
CAD (Computer Aided Design) is almost instead of classical designing method which drawing plan on paper nowadays. With the development of information technology, the traditional...
Intelligent Process Planning: Intelligent CAPP
Zude Zhou, Huaiqing Wang, Ping Lou. © 2010. 28 pages.
Computer Aided Process Planning is very hot topic in the manufacturing. It uses the geometric information (such as shape, size, etc.) and information technology (such as...
Intelligent Diagnosis and Maintenance
Zude Zhou, Huaiqing Wang, Ping Lou. © 2010. 28 pages.
Nowadays, intelligent diagnosis for the complex system has been a forefront of issue. The application of the artificial-intelligent technology has made the dream of using men’s...
Intelligent Management Information System
Zude Zhou, Huaiqing Wang, Ping Lou. © 2010. 28 pages.
The Intelligent Management Information System (IMIS) has the potential to transform human decision making by combining research in Artificial Intelligence, Information...
Trends and Prospect of Manufacturing Intelligence
Zude Zhou, Huaiqing Wang, Ping Lou. © 2010. 31 pages.
Manufacturing Intelligence (MI) focuses on how to adopt artificial intelligence and computing intelligence methods to solve problems in digital manufacturing, such as intelligent...