A Novel Approach to Construct Semantic Mashup using Patterns

A Novel Approach to Construct Semantic Mashup using Patterns

Khayra Bencherif, Djamel Amar Bensaber, Mimoun Malki
DOI: 10.4018/IJITWE.2017010102
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With the coming of Web 2.0, several technologies are developed to facilitate creating, sharing and reusing of web resources. In this context, the mashup is a novel approach that allows the user to aggregate multiples services to create a single one with a new user interface. However, a key limitation of existing mashups applications is the need to compute semantic and syntactic similarities between data in different services and create or modify workflows in applications mashups without enlisting the talents of the original developers or vendor. In fact, automatic matching tools help users to facilitate automatic integration of both data and APIs without knowing their structure and semantics. In this paper, the authors suggest a novel approach which consists in building a semantic mashup using a matching tool, domain ontology and a set of patterns to facilitate and automate services and data integration. As a study use case, they develop a semantic mashup application for a travel agency that provides a single interface to users.
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2. Background

This section serves to expand your knowledge in mashup, semantic mashup, the process of computing data mashups and mashups patterns types.

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