Adoption Factors of Mobile Services

Adoption Factors of Mobile Services

Banu Kargin, Nuri Basoglu, Tugrul Daim
DOI: 10.4018/jisss.2009010102
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As more and more mobile services become available everyday, consumers are choosing different services based on their preferences. Exploring and understanding this phenomenon is critical. This paper presents a framework for defining the adoption factors of mobile services. The framework builds upon current approaches to explain adoption factors. A survey instrument was utilized for data collection. Two different types of service were compared through the study. The findings were confirming the literature for an already adopted service and indicating that usefulness and attitude are direct factors influencing consumer satisfaction. On the other hand, usefulness and external influence were found to be direct; and personalization, image, content, mobility, enjoyment as indirect determinants of consumer’s attitude towards using new mobile services.

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