An Islamic Faith Perspective on Using Social Media / Mainstream Media to Prompt Organ Donation/ Transplantation Awareness: Going Beyond Science- Nephrology

An Islamic Faith Perspective on Using Social Media / Mainstream Media to Prompt Organ Donation/ Transplantation Awareness: Going Beyond Science- Nephrology

Shahid Muhammad
Copyright: © 2018 |Pages: 12
DOI: 10.4018/IJPHME.2018070101
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This article describes how with exception to individuals with severe learning difficulties and neurological illnesses, which of course are devastating in their own right, there has never existed a human being who has not been aware not only of his body but also of his individuality, both physically and spiritually. Human beings are consciously aware of their own lives and, it's through understanding that awareness of a consciously constructed self is identified. The use of social media (SM) today provides unparalleled opportunities for research data collection, wider access for communication and engagement. SM/ mainstream media (MM) such as television, newspapers, magazines, and radio stations are also being used to prompt research funding for specific Long-Term Conditions (LTCs), however these forms of ‘advertising' have not been explored from an Islamic stance to prompt organ donation/ transplantation awareness on using SM/ MM. This article examines Islamic teachings to examine the action of organ transplantation.
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Islam And Definition Of Knowledge

Islam is commonly regarded as religion of ‘Law’, but above all it is the religion of knowledge. The Arabic meaning word for ‘law’ has the primary meaning for ‘understanding’ and thus relates to knowledge (Eaton, 1994). In Islam, knowledge, intelligence and understanding define man as such. Man is not defined as a good or strong creature, or even as one who loves, but can be defined as one who understands or has the capacity for understanding (Eaton, 1994). In other words, if man penetrates deeply into self – through all the layers of dreams and darkness – then comes out into the open and finds ‘everything’, that is knowledge. There are contentions but the question is then: who provides knowledge? It is God (Allah) alone and He alone deserves worship. In Islam, worship can also be defined as 1) Tawhid al-Rububiyyah (or the unity of God‟s Lordship), 2) Tawhid al-’Ibadah or the unity of God’s worship and 3) Tawhid al-Asma’ Wa’l-Siffat or the unity of His names and attributes (al-Fawzaan, 2015). This is why the beloved prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) informed: ‘He, who knows himself, knows his Lord’. Science for a long time has been a foundation for establishing knowledge. What does Islam say about science?

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