Application of Circular Economy for Sustainable Resource Management in Kuwait

Application of Circular Economy for Sustainable Resource Management in Kuwait

Osman Gulseven, Jacques Mostert
DOI: 10.4018/IJSESD.2017070106
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Circular economy is an alternative to traditional industrial system based on producing and consuming as much as possible. Contrary to produce and dispose model, circular economy emphasizes resource efficiency in both consumption and production cycle. This research aims to reveal potential role of circular economy with specific applications to small and medium sized enterprises in Kuwait. It is proposed that by applying circular economy concepts, Gulf Cooperation Council countries, particularly Kuwait, can achieve a competitive edge in global economy while minimizing the impact of industrial activities to the environment. Is it also proposed that small and medium sized enterprises tend to be the least efficient enterprises. Therefore, they have the highest potential for circular economy applications that lead to innovation, sustainability and resource efficiency.
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Literature Review

In some articles, circular economy is also referred to as green economy, efficient resource management, or even reutilization of resources. Therefore, in the literature review a comprehensive analysis has been performed to include all different aspects of circular economy. In the literature there exists a wide range of studies ranging from geographical location based policy taxonomies to product specific applications of circular economy. Here, both the research on the theoretical economic framework as well as critics of circular economy is included.

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