Authentication in Ubiquitous Networking

Authentication in Ubiquitous Networking

Abdullah Mohammed Almuhaideb, Bala Srinivasan
Copyright: © 2015 |Pages: 27
DOI: 10.4018/IJISP.2015070104
(Individual Articles)
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Mobile authentication is an essential service to ensure the security of engaging parties in a ubiquitous wireless network environment. Several solutions have been proposed mainly based on both centralised and distributed authentication models to allow ubiquitous mobile access authentication; however, limitations still exist in these approaches, namely flexibility, security and performance issues and vulnerabilities. These shortcomings are influenced by the resource limitations of both wireless networks and the mobile devices together with inter-technology and inter-provider challenges. In this paper, the authors reviewed the major techniques in the field of ubiquitous mobile access authentication, which has attracted many researchers in the past decade. After investigating existing mobile authentication models and approaches, the common challenges are summarised to serve as the solution key requirements. The identified key solution requirements allow analysing and evaluating mobile authentication approaches.
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2. Existing Models On Ubiquitous Networks Authentication

In ubiquitous networking, a mobile user is required to be authenticated to control access to network resources. Mobile user receives authentication credentials from the network provider to assist in the identification process such as Subscriber Identity Module (SIM) card for Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM) network. However, since mobile user demand is to be connected anywhere anytime, authenticating mobile users to multiple wireless technologies operated by multiple network providers is a challenge. There are a number of approaches which have been proposed to resolve this problem based on different models.

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