Big Data Management: Advanced Issues and Approaches

Big Data Management: Advanced Issues and Approaches

Kijpokin Kasemsap
DOI: 10.4018/IJOCI.2017070104
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The objective of this article is to provide the advanced issues and approaches of big data management. The literature review indicates the overview of big data management; the aspects of Big Data Analytics (BDA); the importance of big data management; the methods for big data management; the privacy and security concerns of big data management; and the big data management in the health care industry. Organizations that have been successful in working with effective big data management have accomplished this issue using data to help make sense of the information. The volume of data that companies are able to gather about customers and market conditions can provide business leaders with insights into new revenue and business opportunities, presuming they can spot the opportunities in vast amounts of data. The literature review analysis provides both practitioners and researchers an important understanding about big data management in modern organizations.
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Theoretical And Practical Review Of The Literature

The literature review indicates the overview of big data management; the aspects of big data analytics (BDA); the importance of big data management; the methods for big data management; the privacy and security concerns of big data management; and the big data management in the health care industry.

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