Born Fast, Die Young?: A Study of the User's Social Network Site Continuance

Born Fast, Die Young?: A Study of the User's Social Network Site Continuance

Bo Han
DOI: 10.4018/IJVCSN.2014100103
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How to keep users has become the most desirable knowledge to social network site (SNS) managers. In the current study, the author proposes a user's SNS continuance model by incorporating the information system continuance model and the impression management theory. The author finds that a user's actualization of the hoped for possible self and perceived informativeness of an SNS are two critical factors that can significantly positively influence the user's perceived usefulness of the SNS, perceived enjoyment on the Web site, and his or her SNS continuance intention. The author suggests that these findings provide several practical implications to SNS management and development.
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Literature Review

Our research model is built on two theoretical foundations, including the IS continuance model and the impression management theory. We adopt these two collections of research for the following reasons: First, an SNS is primarily a service based information system (Wellman, 2001). Thus, factors investigated by the general IS continuance model (Bhattacherjee, 2001) should be taken into account, when we study the user’s SNS continuance intention. Second, an SNS is essentially a social medium (Ellison et al., 2007). When a user shares information with others on SNS, his or her social image will be represented by the information (such as photos, videos, status updates) shared in the cyber space (Mehdizadeh, 2010). Thus, factors from impression management studies should also be considered, when we investigate the user’s intention to stay in a virtual gregarious community and an online social networking system.

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